Can anyone wear a chasuble?
In the Catholic Church, only ordained ministers, such as priests and bishops, are permitted to wear chasubles during liturgical celebrations. This is because the chasuble is considered a symbol of the priest’s authority and dignity as an ordained minister, and it is reserved for those who have received Holy Orders.
⇒⇒You can see all Chasubles/Vestments, please click here
⇒⇒You can see more: Chasubles in Vietnamese
There are, however, some exceptions to this rule. For example, under certain circumstances, a deacon who has received special permission from his bishop may be allowed to wear a chasuble during Mass. Also, in the case of a funeral or wedding, a family member or friend may be allowed to wear a chasuble as a symbol of their close relationship with the deceased or the couple. However, these exceptions are rare, and the general rule is that only ordained clergy may wear a chasuble during liturgical celebrations.
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